While Lindsey at ShareASale covered “10 To-Do’s Before Affiliate Summit West,” and Shawn Collins wrote the book on “How to Get the Most Out of Attending a Conference,” I wanted to cover some of the more non-conventional conference tips.

I have an envelope which sits in a lock box in my house. It’s pretty plain, except on the front is the date when it was sealed, and the words “Open When…

Merchants often screw over their affiliates (see Got My Panties.com In A Bunch). Sometimes they know what they’re doing, and sometimes they just aren’t thinking clearly. Sometimes they play dumb, and sometimes…

LastPass is a password manager / service that requires you to only remember one password for all of your sites. I’ve been using it for years, but am surprised at how many…

I know some of you have been doing this longer than I have, but a few years ago, nobody talked about what niche they were in. It was like if someone found…