After reading an interesting post by Ring Revenue, I started thinking where QR Codes could be used to generate Pay-Per-Call leads. Facebook, of course, came to mind.
I was looking for a good image sitemap generator for WordPress, but of course found nothing really good. So, I wrote my own 🙂

If you don’t have an account, you first need to signup with LinkShare. Then login, and click on Web Services under Links. Next, generate or update your token. You’ll need this when making requests.
I received an email last week asking how to add Commission Junction products to datafeed websites. To do this, take a look at the CJ Web Services. Particularly, the Product Catalog Search…
I just got word that the ZipCodeGuy is giving away his Zip Code Database for free! Zip Code databases are great when you’re targeting regional offers, such as gas prices, dating, or…