I have been, or can be if you click on a link and make a purchase, compensated via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value for writing this post. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
I first recommended Eric to Shawn back in March, but Affiliate Summit already had the keynote speakers lined up for this summer’s show. Then Jon Spoelstra had to cancel, leaving an opening keynote to be filled. I hoped ET and Affiliate Summit could work out a deal for Eric to fill in, but it didn’t work out in time for #ASE11. However, they did reach a deal to have ET Keynote at #ASW12!
If you’ve never heard of Eric Thomas, you’re not alone. When I think of motivational speakers, I think of guys who are full of shit. But Eric lays it all out. His YouTube series, Thank God It’s Monday, is worth subscribing to, and often is what kicks off a great week for me.
His most popular video, Secrets to Success
, has only been viewed over 300,000+ times (I’m probably 12 of those times). Here it is for you:
The timing of ET Keynoting at Affiliate Summit West is perfect, as his book, The Secrets To Success, has just been released. If ET inspires thousands of affiliate marketers during the closing keynote, he’ll have quite a sales force out there, promoting his book for him.