I have been, or can be if you click on a link and make a purchase, compensated via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value for writing this post. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

- I work from home
- I set my own hours
- I can create a passive income
- I get to travel to different cities to attend conferences, and often never have to pay for a meal
Yet this past week, I experienced a perk like no other: I got to spend a night in the house from A Christmas Story.
I first met Brian Jones at the ShareASale Think Tank in Chicago this past May. Brian owns the house that was used for the exterior shots of the movie, A Christmas Story. He also owns the company that sells reproduction Leg Lamps and other products from the movie.
Fast forward a few weeks, and I manually built BuyLegLamps.com (at the time, they didn’t have a datafeed). I outlined the entire process of building this site in another post, An Affiliate Website Anyone Can Build
After exchanging emails with Brian (about the program, and getting a datafeed set-up), I mentioned that I was going to be in Cleveland, and wanted to get together. He’s still in San Diego, but offered to let me and my family spend a night in the house!
A Christmas Story House isn’t a typical bed & breakfast. Only a handful of people have spent the night (if you want to spend a night, watch for auctions on eBay, but be prepared to drop about $5k).
My daughter wasn’t too excited about it at first (she started crying, screaming “NO!” at me, then kicked me in the shin, twice) but she was OK after calming down a little.
After the movie, we all went up to bed. I slept in Ralphie’s bed, and my other daughter slept in Randy’s bed, while the rest of the family slept upstairs in the guest suite.
The next morning, I even got to meet “Randy” from the movie, Ian Petrella! (I’m not sure he was too excited about meeting me, as I think we woke him up to hand over the keys)
If my accountant asks, this wasn’t a vacation… I was procuring content. The dozens of photos I took and video tour of the house will be some nice, unique content for BuyLegLamps.com.
Thanks to Brian for hooking me up on this unforgettable experience!