I have been, or can be if you click on a link and make a purchase, compensated via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value for writing this post. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Affiliate Summit is kicking off in Las Vegas, and yesterday was day 0 – the unofficial start. After a cramped flight in from Buffalo and a rather long shuttle bus ride, I arrived at the Rio and checked into my room right away. After a quick nap, I met a couple of friends down at registration, then had dinner with James Seligman, Eric
SchechterFrom Clickbooth, Logan Thompson and David D Ochoa. This is where the real deals get done: face to face networking. The food at Martorano’s was amazing – thanks James!
After dinner we checked into the charity poker tournament where James, Logan, David and I all picked table 5 – that made for a lively game 🙂 I quickly lost my first 1,000 in chips, and bought in for another 1,000. I thought I’d be knocked out by 9:30, but actually played fairly late into the night.
That wrapped up the day for me; unfortunately, my body was still on East Coast time, so Sunday morning I was up at 5am, ready to go! Too bad the rest of the world was still asleep…
Now Day 1 is kicking off, and the buzz around the conference is amazing. Seeing old friends and meeting new is just great. If you see me around the conference, say hi!
David D Ochoa
I LOL at your post. Eric_CB, hehe. Where is the link love?