I have been, or can be if you click on a link and make a purchase, compensated via a cash payment, gift, or something else of value for writing this post. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
I’ve heard of this trick before, but never really got to play with it until recently… if you increase your CTR (click-through rate), you’ll decrease your minimum bid price.
Recently, I found a keyword that had 0 competition so I took an offer from CJ, direct to merchant (whose landing page stunk for the keyword), and was set at minimum bids of $0.50. After day 1, I increased my budget and was able to drop my bids to only $0.15. Day 3, I went down to $0.10 and still had 0 competition.

Day 3 the clicks remained the same as day 2, but look at that drop in cost! Too bad the event I was promoting ended, so my campaign was paused. But it was a huge learning experience – hearing about this and seeing it first-hand are completely different.