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Wordtracker held a free webinar today entitled, How to Build Links to Your Website. The webinar will be live again a few more times, or you can watch it at your leisure at the webinar page. I’ll try to recap the important points:
First, let’s call the webinar what is really is: an infomercial. But that’s ok, because Ken McGaffin (our host) still gave some great tips on how to use Wordtracker’s Link Builder. The Wordtracker Link Builder offers a 7-day free trial and a 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee.
Basically, you plug in a bunch of URLs into the tool, and the results includes who is linking to those pages. Not to take anything away from the tool, but it sounds like this can be rebuilt using the SEOmoz API. However, having the link data and contact management integrated into one location is nice.
The section, Why would another site link to yours?
was particularly useful. Reasons include:
Because of who you are
- Friends in your industry
- Directories
- Don’t do more than 10
- Resource lists
- Trade associations
- Local groups
- Suppliers
- Customers
- Specialist groups
- Because of what you do
- Ask them for a link
- "If you like this article,
please link to it"
- "If you like this article,
- Show them how to link
- Comment on blogs and forums
- Give tips and tricks
- Publish helpful articles and videos on your own site
- Publish helpful articles and videos on others sites
- Comment on breaking news stories
- Ask them for a link
- Because of what people say about
you- Make comments on what you’ve said
- Review your products
- Passing on tips
- Published news articles and features
- Recommending you (because your product is complementary)
Wordtracker follows their own advice, giving away a ton of useful information at the Wordtracker Academy.
I took 4 pages of typed notes during the webinar, but writing them all out would take ages and wouldn’t be as useful to you as if you just watched the video yourself. So block off a little over an hour of time, and watch Wordtracker‘s How to Build Links to Your Website
Justin Dupre
Good post! Wordtracker seems like a great tool to use and learn more about building links to your website.