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If you’re in the affiliate (or performance) marketing industry, you’ve probably heard of the PMA. Their goal is to
connect, inform and advocate on behalf of the rapidly growing performance marketing industry
One issue which the PMA has been fighting against lately has been the advertising tax. Currently, affiliates, networks and merchants are fighting various advertising taxes being proposed (and passed) in many states. Without the PMA, each time this issue came up in a new state, the process would start all over again.
Previously, the most affordable membership with the PMA was $500 / year – a rate far too high for many. The PMA heard our feedback, and recently created a new, “Associate” membership level at $99 / year. At this level, you get to say you’re a member of the PMA, can participate in one working group, and get a warm fuzzy feeling inside, knowing that you’re helping the performance marketing industry.
The working groups that are currently put together include advocacy / legislation, advertising practices, and marketing. I look forward to working with the advertising practices working group, as I’m a stickler for fraud and would love to see some standardized practices amongst the different networks or even merchants within a specific network.
With the introduction of the new Associate Level membership, the PMA is currently offering membership at this level for just $49. This special offer ends June 30th, but why wait? Join now, and help make a better performance marketing industry with the PMA
Stephanie Lichtenstein
Thanks for posting this Eric it is a great value and the PMA is glad to have you as a member!
Performance Marketing Expo
It’s great that you set up “associate” levels to membership for those that are not able to afford the full price.